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Name results for: yellow+lab

Yellow hair
Yellow Flower
Yellow Flower
Yellow Haired
Yellow, citrus fruit
Remember, be thankful.
a shade of pink tinged with yellow
Head Smasher Or Yellow Hound
widely cultivated tropical plant of India having yellow flowers and a large aromatic deep yellow rhizome; source of a condiment and a yellow dye
any of numerous superior eating apples with yellow or greenish yellow skin flushed with red
having the color of caramel; of a moderate yellow-brown
avens of Virginia having pale or greenish yellow flowers
a garden plant of the genus Antirrhinum having showy white or yellow or crimson flowers resembling the face of a dragon
Day's eye. The petals of a daisy open during the day, revealing its yellow centers, and then close at night.
any plant of the genus Helianthus having large flower heads with dark disk florets and showy yellow rays
any of several attractive deciduous trees yellow-brown in autumn; yield a hard wood and edible nuts in a prickly bur

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